Hello World!
I know, I know, the previous version of this website hadn’t been updated since like 2012. Having two kids and switching computers several times will do that to a person. Now that I’ve migrated to Squarespace, it is my sincere hope that it will be much easier for me to keep my site current with everything that’s happening in my musical life. I never stopped making music - the Internet just didn’t reflect that very well.
Still hanging out in music circles, even with babies in tow.
If you’ve never been here before - hi! My name is Beth Kinderman, and I’m a progressive filk singer-songwriter based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Along with my band, the Player Characters, I create and perform geeky folk-rock music at bars, coffeehouses, and sci-fi conventions around the Midwest. Check out my Bandcamp page to hear more of my music!
The past few years have been marked by a lot of songwriting and a lot of studio work as my band and I prepare to release The Hero’s Journey, a concept album based upon the works of Joseph Campbell. We’ll be running a Kickstarter to fund the release of that record soon - watch this space for details.
Thanks for dropping by and checking out my music!