Where to find me at OVFF
As I write this blog post, less than 24 hours separate me from my arrival at the Ohio Valley Filk Fest. To say all my bandmates and I are greatly anticipating this convention would be a serious understatement. After all, it’s the first time since July 2017 that all four Player Characters will be performing together! In the event that you’ll be at OVFF this weekend, here’s where you can hear me performing:
Thursday, October 17
I ought to arrive in time to make an appearance at the pre-con Frisky Puppy Filk. The rest of the band will be joining me on Friday.
Friday, October 18
The Player Characters will cover another artist’s song on stage at the Pegasus concert, and probably attend a music circle or two thereafter.
Saturday, October 19
Beth and Dave (and maybe Justin?) have new material to enter in the songwriting contest. Otherwise, as many concerts and music circles (and a much-needed full band rehearsal).
Sunday, October 20
It’s quite likely the Player Characters will be somehow represented as part of Iron Filker. However, the main event on Sunday is our mainstage concert, which begins at 1:30 pm. If you’ll be at OVFF, we sincerely hope you’ll be there! Most of the Player Characters will depart by Sunday evening, but Beth will remain through the dead dog.
Whether or not you’ll be at OVFF, please don’t forget that our Kickstarter is still active through October 31. We’ve reached 79% of the goal with two weeks left in the campaign! Thanks to all who’ve supported it already.
Right, with that, I’ve got a fair bit of packing left to do…
Just for fun, here I am at a recent Player Character’s rehearsal with Dave’s very good doggo Salvador.